stuff I love !!!»

weird and unique games
my wife Einekha
my 5 girlfriends
getting paid
squishy tummies
dark souls 1
murder mystery
calico cats
touhou games

things you like

stuff I hate !!!»

tummy aches
lack of empathy
being competitive
any socio-economic system
Adobe products
not being able to hug my wife nor girlfriends (pain)
sunny days
small talk

real depiction of myself ((feral))

obefore you follow . . .o
I'm not the kind of friend that talks to you daily. Hell, I rarely start conversations but if I do, expect zero to no small talk because I simply don't enjoy it.
odo not interact if . . .o
you're a minor, looking to roleplay, trying to sext, you don't have a specific topic that you want to talk about